Cookie policy

Last updated: 15 May 2024

Information about the use of cookies by ResSOLUTION Group s.r.o. on the website
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What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that store information from the individual web pages you view. Websites can access these files later and recognise, for example, which pages you visited previously, or whether you are logged in.

Cookies can be divided into so-called first-party cookies, i.e. cookies stored when you are browsing a website that can only be accessed by the website that has stored them. In addition, websites can also use the services of other websites that then store their own cookies, which are so-called third-party cookies.

Cookies are used to ensure the correct or more user-friendly functioning of most websites on the Internet. Our website uses your browser storage to store this data. Thus, most of this data is not stored as a file and is not sent over the Internet.

What types of cookies are there?

  • Functional cookies – these provide the basic functionality of a website; websites cannot function without them. We can use such cookies without your consent;
  • analytical cookies - these track website traffic and, by collecting anonymous statistics, allow us to better understand our visitors and thus continuously improve the site. We always require your prior consent to use analytical cookies;
  • marketing cookies - these collect information to better adjust advertising to customers' interests, both on and off the website. As with analytical cookies, your prior consent is required for the use of marketing cookies.

Why do we need this information?

By storing information, we mainly ensure the basic operation of our company's website. However, information about your visit to the site also allows us to improve our content and products. Without collecting this data, browsing the site would be more difficult and less clear. Regarding the data stored, we can only offer you products that may actually be of interest to you. All information is thus used to improve your browsing experience on our site.

Using modern technology, we can also tailor the site specifically to our existing customers, for example by pre-filling forms. Only you can always see these customizations. All information is fully secured.

When do we require consent to use cookies?

We always require consent for the use of cookies, unless it is for technical storage or access solely for the purpose of transmitting a message through our website, or if it is necessary for the purpose of providing a service that you have specifically requested. You will be asked to provide active and informed consent in connection to your use of our website specifically in relation to the use of analytical or marketing cookies.

Therefore, to improve the user experience of our website, it is essential that you allow us to use analytical and marketing cookies. Thus, we ask you to actively tick the box for the relevant type of cookies and confirm your cookie settings by clicking the "Accept all" button. If you subsequently wish to withdraw your consent to the use of cookies, please untick the box next to the relevant type of cookies and confirm your cookie settings by clicking the "Save settings" button. If you do not wish to allow any optional cookies from the outset, you need not tick any boxes, just click the "Reject All" button to agree to our basic settings, i.e. not consenting to the use of analytical and marketing cookies.

When do we not require consent to use cookies?

Your consent is not required for the use of so-called functional cookies, which are necessary for the basic functioning of the website, as ensuring the functioning of the website is a legitimate interest of our company.

How do we use third-party cookies?

In some cases, we also use the services of third parties in connection to the operation of our website - partners who store their own cookies when providing their services. In particular, these services entail analysing traffic on our website, which enables us to optimise the website and create a more user-friendly environment.

Regarding third-party cookies, we specifically use Google Analytics to analyse traffic to our website. You can read about the terms of use for Google Analytics here.

Marketing cookies are not currently processed on any page of our website.

What are your rights when processing personal data?

You have a number of rights in connection to the processing of your personal data by our company, including the use of cookies which may contain some of your personal data, i.e. data that leads or could lead to your direct or indirect identification (for example, information about a user's web request, IP address, browser type, browser language and the date and time of the request). A description of all your rights related to the processing of personal data can be found here:

Settings, or how to enable, delete and otherwise manage cookies

As mentioned above, you can set the use of cookies on our website here.

In addition, the general settings for accepting cookies can usually be found in your browser under the "Options" or "Preferences" menu:

What specific cookies do we use?

Cookie file name




Retention time


Google Analytics


ID used to identify users

2 years


Google Analytics


Used to limit the rate of requests

1 minute


Google Analytics


ID used to identify users for 24 hours from their last activity

24 hours

Third-party cookies

Some pages on our website display content from external providers, such as YouTube.

To view this third-party content, you must first accept their specific terms and conditions. This includes their cookie policy, which we have no control over. However, if you do not view this content, no third-party cookies will be installed on your device.

Below you can see links to the specific cookie terms for third-party providers:

These third-party services are outside our control. Providers may change their terms of service, purpose and use of cookies, etc. at any time.

Document updates

This cookie policy may be updated from time to time.

When the cookie policy changes, we will change the "Last updated" date at the top of this page. We encourage you to review this page from time to time to keep informed about any changes to this Cookie Policy or our other policies.